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Chritsmas time is for thinking of others. 聖誕佳節是思念大家的時刻

·Xmas Original intention






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Much joy to you in the up coming year. May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through


Let’s BLING in the holiday!


⍋Santa comes to us on his sleigh⍋


⍋music cue⍋


⍋ Chritsmas time is for thinking of others⍋

24 to 25

The blizzard that always drifts through, I will pass all the tiring days of the year Go, lean on me today, on me In warm arms, take a break,I want youSTAY For Christmas Tonight, comfortable, STAY For Christmas,Drop everything.


Welcome to National Christmas

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The earliest Christmas

This year I looked at the Chritmas tree again and found me who was waiting. I illuminate a famous street. Today and tomorrow is also Christmas Day. The beautiful lighting is also shining. My hands are also full of flowers. Looking at your beautiful smile again has already moved my heart.





··National Customs··

Wow, this food is amazing!

國家 習俗 由來解說
義大利 白天禁食 晚上吃魚 為了感念耶穌的誕生,聖誕前夕( Christmas Eve ,又稱平安夜)其實是齋戒的日子,所以聖誕節料理中不能包含肉類(有些人甚至不喝牛奶),只能以海鮮與魚類當作主菜。
波蘭、立陶宛和烏克蘭 象徵12使徒的12道菜 東歐的一些國家,如波蘭、立陶宛和烏克蘭,聖誕夜大餐要由12道菜組成,象徵耶穌的十二使徒。同樣的, 依循天主教的傳統,聖誕節前一天不能吃紅肉或家禽,所以會以魚肉為主菜。
德國 讓遊子思鄉的烤全鵝 德國傳統的聖誕晚餐,主菜都是一隻烤到金黃酥脆的肥鵝。許多出門在外的遊子都說,想到烤鵝的香氣,就想起了遙遠的家鄉。
法國 特別的樹幹蛋糕 據說,日耳曼人原本在冬至,就會有燃燒整根樹幹,象徵除舊佈新的傳統。這根樹幹必須夠粗大,燒完再慢慢推入壁爐,以燃燒一整夜,祈求明年一整年的平安。大約在19世紀後期,一位甜點師傅以樹幹為靈感,做出這款特殊的蛋糕,讓人們可以在平安夜分切來吃,或致贈給親友來享用。
國家 習俗 由來解說
荷蘭 自助烤肉 近年來,最受荷蘭人歡迎的聖誕大餐是「Gourmetten」,這是一種在室內使用的電烤盤。它類似起士火鍋,每個人都可以拿一個迷你烤盤,選擇喜歡的食材來煎烤。如今,幾乎每個荷蘭家庭都有一套,在吃聖誕大餐時,才特地拿出來使用,一次可供多達20人使用。
冰島 醃羊肉 聖誕節時,冰島人會將燻肉切薄片,加上豌豆、馬鈴薯和紅甘藍菜沙拉,以及傳統的勞法布斯麵包(Laufabrauð)食用。


英國 蛋奶酒 17世紀被英國人發明的蛋奶酒,可以說是最具有聖誕氣息的飲料了。因為製作蛋奶酒需要新鮮的牛奶和白蘭地來衝調,可是那個年代又沒有冰箱來冷凍和保鮮,只有農場主和有錢人才能購得鮮牛奶來調製蛋奶酒,所以蛋奶酒一度只能是英國中產階級以上人群的節日飲品。

In this moment I see you It always comes around.As I believed When the rain stops You shine on me Your light's the only thing that keeps the cold out Moon in the summernight Whispering of the stars They're singing like Christmas trees for us So I'll tell you A Million tiny things that You have never known It all gets tangled up inside And I'll tell you A Million little reasons 有I'm falling for your eyes I just want to be where you are It's such a strange thing to do Sometimes don't understand you But It always brings me back To where you are.


These are cute Christmas illustrations.