










蕭亞洲 博士  Dr. Shiau, Y.J.


[ 英文論文與著述 ]


  1. 蕭亞洲邱裕賓 。神秘客調查法之服務品質稽核-以三家連鎖百貨公司為例。 品質學報 24卷1期,18-28頁 (2017年2月) (EI)

  2. Yea-Jou Shiau & Yu-Bin Chiu. Design and Implementation of Long Range Active RFID Technology, Advanced Materials Research. CMTEE 2013, Taiwan-Taichung, Aug 21, 2013 - Aug 23, 2013 (EI)
  3. 蕭亞洲 "軍品應用無線射頻技術之探討", 中華民國自動化科技學會期刊, 2007.12 pp.55-66
  4. Chii-Ruey Lin, Pei-Shu Fan, Yea-Jou Shiau, MuDer JengAn Agent-based Early Manufacturability Assessment for Collaborative Design in Coating Process,11th International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Information & Engineering System,KES2007, 12-14 Sep. 2007, Vietri sul Mare, Italy本篇轉刊Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems Volume 4693/2007 ISBN:978-3-540-74826-7 - EI
  5. Wei-Yu Han and Yea-Jou Shiau "Watermarking for Error-Diffused Images", Asian Journal of Information technology, Vol.5 No.2 pp.205-212, 2006
  6. Svetan M Ratchev, Joe Shiau, George Valtchanov, "Distributed environment for manufacturing capability assessment in the extended enterprise" Manufacturing System, Vol.31 No.1, 2001
  7. Svetan M Ratchev, Joe Shiau, George Valtchanov, 1999, "Distributed Product and Facility Prototyping in Extended Manufacturing Enterprises", International Journal of Production Research (IJPR) Vol.38 No.17 pp.4495-4506, 2000



  1. Yeajou Shiau, “ University Dropout Prevention through the Application of Big Data”, 2020 3rd International Conference on Information Management and Management Science (IMMS 2020), August 7-9, 2020. London UK ( EI Compendex and Scopus)  

  2. Yeajou Shiau, “Improving Purchase Forecast for Cosmetics by Modelling Customer Purchase Behavior”, 10th International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics (ICEME 2019), July 15-17, 2019. Beijing, China ( EI Compendex and Scopus)

  3. Yen-ni Tsai, Yeajou Shiau, “Research on the Expectation and Anxiety of the Elderly in the Future”, 9th International Conference on Business and Economics Research (ICBER 2019), July 15-17, 2019. Beijing, China ( EI Compendex and Scopus)
  4. Yu-Bin Chiu, Shih-Chih Chen, Huei-Huang Chen, Yea-Jou Shiau, "Verifying the Effects of E-Service Quality on Relationship Quality and Loyalty in E-Stores: Using SPSS AMOS"  2012 國防理實務暨 SPSS 軟體應用研討會, 國防大學,台北市
  5. PeiShu Fan, YeaJou Shiau and KouHuang Chen, "The High Speed and Long Range RFID Technology for Vehicle Management System" International Conference on Innovation and Management, IAM 2012 July 15-18, 2012, Republic of Palau
  6. PeiShu Fan, YeaJou Shiau, "Long Range RFID Technology in Vehicle Management System", 2012 International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Computer Science, ICECCS 2012 15-17,June,2012, Nanning, China.
  7. Evan Govender, Joe Y. Shiau, Monica Lagazio, George Valtchanov,  "An Adaptive Multi-Agent Acquisition System for Cooperative Design in Early Product Development", 33re International MATADOR Conference, 13-14 July 2000, UMIST, Manchester, UK.
  8. Joe Y. Shiau, Svetan M Ratchev, George Valtchanov,  "Distributed Collaborative Design and Manufacturability Assessment for Extended Enterprise in XML-based Agent System", IEEE Ninth International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WET ICE2000, June 14-16, 2000, National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
  9. Svetan M Ratchev, Joe Shiau, George Valtchanov,  "Distributed Environment for Manufacturing Capability Asessment in the Extended Enterprise", The 33rd CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, CIRP'2000 5th-7th June 2000, Stockholm, Sweden.
  10. Svetan M Ratchev, Joe Shiau,  "Evaluation of Design Manufacturability in Extended Manufacturing Enterprises", International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising, ICE'99, 15, 16 and 17 March 1999 in The  Hague, The Netherlands.
  11. Svetan M Ratchev, Joe Shiau,  "Integrated Design Environment for Extended Manufacturing Enterprises", 9th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM'99, 23, 24 and 25 June 1999 in Tilburg University,  Tilburg, The Netherlands.
  12. Svetan M Ratchev, Joe Shiau, George Valtchanov,  "Distributed Product and Facility Prototyping in Extended Manufacturing Enterprises", The 15th International Conference on Production Reasearch, ICPR'99 9th-12th Aug. 1999 in University of Limerick, Ireland.


  1. 邱裕賓,蕭亞洲(2013)大學圖書館服務品質指標分析與二維分析2013管理、商業與資訊國際學術研討會。中國科技大學,新竹校區2013年6月6日

  2. 邱裕賓,蕭亞洲(2013)以Aprioi演算法建構連鎖便利商店消費購物籃分析模型2013資訊科技應用國際學術研討會 。中國科技大學,新竹校區2013年6月13日

  3. 邱裕賓,陳世智,陳煇煌蕭亞洲(2012)以資料採礦工具評估台灣發放消費對百貨業之影響。第21屆南區統計研討會暨2012年中華機率統計學會年會及學術研討會。輔仁大學,台北市 2012.6.30

  4. 邱裕賓,陳世智,陳煇煌蕭亞洲(2012)Verifying the Effects of E-Service Quality on Relationship Quality and Loyalty in E-Stores: Using SPSS AMOS2012國防管理實務暨 SPSS 軟體應用研討會,國立國防大學,台北市 2012.6.15

  5. 胡世雄、李育如、王台榮、蕭亞洲國際專案管理知識體中品質管理流程之研究2011 ISQM-國際品質管理研討會,大葉大學,2011.10.5

  6. 蕭亞洲由5S到精實服務--服務業應有規範的建立,品質月刊 47:4 2011.04[100.04] 21-24

  7. 蕭亞洲,第14屆亞洲品質組織(ANQ)理事會議紀實,品質月刊,458,2009/08,pp.54-57

  8. 胡世雄,余志明,蕭亞洲"以監控流程的角度研究專案管理的架構",2009資訊與管理應用研討會,元培科技大學,2009611

  9. 胡世雄,余志明,蕭亞洲"專案管理流程結構之系統化研究",2009第三屆創新管理學術與實務研討會,萬能科技大學,200965

  10. 羅聰明,蕭亞洲,林芳嫻,"結合RFID與個人無線行動裝置之即時監管系統",2009網路與RFID技術研討會, 大葉大學, 200965

  11. 蕭亞洲,"以美軍經驗為借鏡,看國軍之軍品後勤 RFID 應用",經濟部RFID專案辦公室 2008.11.13本期專題

  12. 羅聰明,吳匡時,蕭亞洲"運用RFID實現自動化監控系統設計",2008第四屆資訊管理暨專案管理實務國際研討會,桃園開南大學,97年5月3日

  13. 蕭亞洲"軍品導入無線射頻技術之探討",國防雜誌(Defense Journal) No.6 Vol.21 pp139-147, 9512

  14. 樊丕緒,蕭亞洲"無線射頻基本技術與軍品後勤管理探討", 95年國防管理及軍備獲得學術暨實務研討會, 95年6月27日

  15. Wei-Yu Han and Yea-Jou Shiau, "HIERARCHICAL FRAGILE WATERMARKING SCHEME FOR IMAGE AUTHENTICATION", 第十八屆電腦視覺、圖學暨影像處理研討會 (CVGIP 2005), 94年8月21日

  16. 韓維愈,蕭亞洲,王俊傑, "RFID於數位學習與教學之應用。",2005數位學習研討會,國立屏東師範學院, 94年5月4日

  17. 王俊傑,蕭亞洲,樊丕緒,鄔文,陳積德 "UHF無線射頻辨識技術與 劃應用之研究",Journal of Lee Ming Institute of Technology(黎明技術學院電機學報),Vol.16, No.1, pp.51-58, Dec.,2003

  18. 蕭亞洲, "協同設計與製造能力評估之分散式代理人系統", 九十年度國防整體後勤支援年會暨研討會, Taiwan R.O.C., 23th May, 2001

  19. 蕭亞洲, "網路代理人架構下之製造能力評估系統", 第九屆國防管理學術暨實務研討會, Taiwan R.O.C, June 2001


  1. 蕭亞洲、董其正、朱留合譯,“作業管理”,學富文化2007, 2月。原著:Ray Wild,Essentials of Operations Management”。

